Regular reading develops children’s language skills – it

Regular reading develops children’s language skills – it helps them learn correct sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary, and improve their spelling, both in their native language and in English! Reading aloud also strengthens phonics skills, which improves pronunciation and articulation. Reading aloud is not only an enjoyable and fun pastime, it can also help children excel in many areas of their lives by developing important skills that can be learned. If they have their own marker, they are more likely to pick up a book and read it! In this activity, children can create their own bookmark based on their favorite book and draw a picture of their favorite scene. These are adaptations of well-known fairy tales and movies that help students immediately engage with the content, since they probably already know the story in their native language. Reward students for their accomplishments – for example, create a vocabulary wall or lesson book and give out prizes, such as stickers or cards to take home. This will give students a sense of purpose and meaning, since most students have watched a Disney movie at some point in their lives, and most students have a favorite Disney movie or character. Ask students in your class “Why is it important to read?” and create an idea map. Ask students to choose their favorite Disney movie and have the whole class vote. Through subtle messages, reading raises awareness of the world we live in and allows children to form their own opinions and ask questions. Mind Map is an activity that helps children understand and analyze the events of the book they have just read. There is a wide variety of Disney Kids Readers – if students can choose their own books, they are likely to be more motivated and focused. Filling out a reading passport when reading a new book is a fun way to encourage reading. Children can learn to use reading as a useful tool in their daily lives. Adapting family reading can remove barriers to reading, stimulate students’ imaginations, and spark genuine interest. It can help them get into the habit of reading and can motivate them to pick up a book. Reading is a great way to quiet the mind and relax.

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