SMART is an acronym that you can use with your students to help them achieve their goal. You encourage students to ask questions like: “Is this the right time for me to achieve my goal? And make them think about why it’s important to them. Students should think about the start and end dates and when I should achieve this goal. Read more about SMART goals and see the benefits of setting goals in education. Instead of saying “I want to improve my English it could be a more specific goal: “I want to be able to interview retailers in English. With many students starting their courses in September, this is the perfect opportunity to help their students set their learning goals for the year. This means that students should feel encouraged, but the goal should remain possible. You can pursue specific language goals for different occupations, i.e. you can tailor your lessons to the professional interests of your students and consolidate the knowledge of the students already working in these areas. To achieve a specific goal, you need to focus on what you want to achieve. Your student will always learn English, but your goal is more specific. To see if a goal is possible, check if the student has sufficient resources. To make sure it is clearly defined, ask them to assess what they have written and write a SMART short objective. For example, improving situational communication skills may be important for a student who wants to spend a year abroad in an English-speaking country. INTELLIGENT OBJECTIVE: I will prepare my class of young students for the PTE exam for young students and measure their progress through practical work. You can go a step further, get the grades you need to go to university, or read several chapters of an English-language book.