Our friend and Atari creator extraordinaire, Howard Scott Warshaw, who wrote Yars Revenge and E. T., has published his new book, Once Upon Atari: How I Made History By Killing An Industry, now available in Kindle and booklet form. The book offers an intimate look at the dramatic rise and fall of America’s first video game industry and how it affected the lives of one of its leading players. After the publication of his new book, Howard said: “I needed to bring something fun and interesting to the world. Howard’s book offers a revealing detail and vision of someone who was present in Atari’s daily life. Is this a “good book of 2020”? No, that’s too low. This book was a labor of love, but a labor of work. I am pleased with the result and hope you enjoy reading it. If you don’t know me, it’s still fun. If you know me, you know it’s fun to read.