“Like many of my colleagues at Pearson, I am committed to ensuring that all the students we support, regardless of gender, feel included, valued and fairly represented,” said Rebecca Spanos Pearson Director of Performance and Research. “I am personally and professionally committed to supporting diversity and inclusion, including supporting women as they move up the career ladder,” said Sally Johnson, assistant CFO of Pearson. But I know I’m not alone because we all have a responsibility to break down barriers and make the world a more equal place,” said Gloria Vivanco, Pearson Southern Mediterranean Marketing Director. International Women’s Day is fast approaching! We are taking this opportunity to celebrate our incredible community of women in Pearson. “As a member of the Pearson team, I want to help disadvantaged students gain access to training and employment,” “she” added. And I love that our common goal is to help our children stand up and be there to catch them when they fall,” said Jeanne Perret, author of Pearson. But education is still not enough,” said Claire Walsh, an English teacher for foreigners and author of Pearson. So in preparation for International Women’s Day March 8, we asked five women from our team to tell us why they are so passionate about her. If we raise our children at home, if we raise them in school, if we raise salaries in the workplace, if governments regulate and pass laws, we can create a world that is fair to women and men. Happy International Women’s Day to all these special women! Tell us in comments what you are doing to celebrate this day. She has worked with Pearson in the US and UK for nearly eight years and has experience in university sales, marketing and product development. Did you know that the overall employment rate is 49% for women and 75% for men? In general, it is harder for women who want to work than men to find a job. We must also be aware that the educational products we develop have an impact on the learning experience of students around the world. The main goal is to help our editorial teams break down gender prejudices and stereotypes in all our products, services and communications,” “she” says. As educators, we have a responsibility to support our students and each other in building a world where gender equality is a reality. Before joining Pearson, “she” worked for the U.S. Senate on several issues, including the Department of Education.