子张 Zi Zhɑng created his story mocking the duke for not recognizing true talent, saying at the end, “Now I heard that you prefer the company of talented people, so I came from afar to visit you. This story contains a rather complex metaphor that contains a bitter satire on hypocrites such as Lord Ye and the Duke. For example, Lord Ye’s love for dragons is an admission of what one really fears, that is, one loves some thing outwardly but not sincerely. It seems that Lord Ye did not love a real dragon, but something that looked like a dragon. The rumor spread, and one day a royal dragon from the heavenly realm heard about Lord Ye’s sincere worship of his kind. This particular story was told in Chinese by 颛孙师 Zhuān sūn shī, also known as 子张 Zi Zhɑng. Every Chinese language has an intricate origin story with an important moral at its core, and “Lored Ye Loves Dragons” is no exception. He had heard that the Duke of the State of Lu loves talented people, so he decided to take a trip to visit him. Lord Ye was a lover of dragons and drew and carved these wonderful creatures wherever he could. The dragon was deeply touched, so he decided to fly to Lord Ye’s house to visit him. Before saying goodbye to 子张 Zi Zhɑng, he asked his servant to deliver a message to the duke. This message contained a story about a man who was possessed by dragons. The walls of his house were painted with dragons, and dragons were carved on beams, columns, doors, and windows. The scene that accompanied the dragon’s descent to earth was beautiful: dark clouds furrowed the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. For his part, he was quite disappointed after being completely abandoned by the Duke for seven days. Thank you for signing up for a free 1 on 1 live lesson on eChineseLearning! Our academic coordinator will contact you within one business day to schedule your free lesson.