A few weeks ago we published an article about the appearance of the PinballFX2 platform during testing on the Dave & Busters website and today we have another virtual pinball machine that will be presented and discussed at D&B. If you think that pinball P3 is a new, fast and fast way to move around, then it is designed as a cross between mechanical and virtual pinball, offering a modular design that allows you to easily replace the game from above and turn the table into something new. This is a network game in which players can “challenge their opponents anywhere in the world with a pinball machine face-to-face” or against a network computer in one room. Initial contribution: Many thanks to JDevy for posting the photo on Reddit’s website with a pair of P3 multi-morphic pinball machines on the unknown D&B website. There is no guarantee that this will appear on every Dave & Busters site, but I suppose that if you really want to see pinball on the D&B site, they will ask you if they want to add P3. It’s also interesting to note that D&B hears complaints about pinball machines, but looks at how they will find ways to avoid service problems inherent in the game. Disclaimer, this article is dedicated to an undisclosed set of test equipment, which is viewed online on the site Dave & Busters, whose identity is not known. I have usually seen this in photos of pinball machines, but it is likely that in some places there are one or more configurations to play with. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of the pinball platform P3, although I haven’t heard of a place where there is such a platform. WARNING: Multimorphic has officially announced the arrival of P3 at Dave & Busters. For the game presented here, this is a game which, according to the official game page on the P3 website, is not yet available to the general public. Attention! It creates a common playing field for two connected machines and offers players the same goals. Shoot the red door and your ball will go to the opponent, so “he” can earn more points.