When we report unfortunate news, a mistake, or a disappointing turn of events, we tend to add a phrase to soften the blow: ‘Sorry for the inconvenience. “‘ The temptation to use this phrase is understandable. When you let the recipient know that you are aware of your mistakes and that you are trying to make things right, you build trust in the relationship, whether personal or professional. Especially if the recipient perceives it as a great inconvenience, a written apology may not convey much remorse; it may seem insincere or insensitive. It’s important to develop responses that show you understand the recipient’s point of view and want to change the situation. But it is often overused, either for a minor inconvenience, such as changing the time of a meeting, or for something more important, such as terminating an important contract. Instead, try to start your text with something like, “I understand that the deadline is very short, and we’ve been looking forward to meeting at your favorite restaurant all week. Picture this: you’re tired from a week of hard work and have to cancel dinner. This is a more powerful way to calm excessive emotions and find a solution that pleases both parties. In this case, using the phrase “sorry for the inconvenience” can lead you to blame yourself for the lack thereof. For example, imagine that you are a flight attendant and a winter snowstorm causes your flight to be delayed by several hours. If you know that you are taking the initiative to solve the problem, you are showing your receiver that you are making an effort to be a more responsible person. Hopefully, there will be a safe place to start soon. “That way, the receiver knows that you sympathize with them and understand their suffering. Sometimes there is a more appropriate way to express your grief about a situation, especially when you have no control over it. “Sorry for the discomfort of red wine spilled on your white pants” will not make the stain go away. Saying “thank you” for your understanding will probably evoke the same feelings in the recipient.