I have taught Spanish in England and Spain and now I enjoy teaching Spanish to students from all over the world through my website, El Blog Español. We start by learning appropriate grammar and vocabulary, and then see if we can have a short audio conversation in Spanish. Stephen: The shark rode on a wave behind me, but I drove too fast and “he” took Stephen with him: Well, I rode on the reef when the big shark came up. Stephen: I was surfing on this beach and I was attacked by a shark. Don’t worry, if you don’t understand, repeat the dictionary and the phrases, and you will be ready for the next course. In 2004 I graduated from the school as a Spanish teacher. I like my work and the subtleties of Spanish. Stephen: And other swimmers in the water and people on the beach applauded. You should click on the link in the email to confirm your request. Julia! Come on! I think the sun has warmed your head. Do you understand what it says? Play it a few times before looking at the transcript.