How do you define the sustainability of your organization? We will reach basic sustainability when we find enough audience and income to support a core team of three or four people to address the most important issues in our region and support those who need it most. How do you define sustainability for your organization? Sustainability means increasing our budget by at least $500,000 over the next six months and by at least $750,000 over the next three years so we can hire more staff, fund special projects, provide our staff with better equipment, and better salaries and benefits. How do you define sustainability for your organization? Sustainability means being able to build a team and pay them fairly to cover local issues and tell stories for the two uninvested areas of Dallas – South Dallas and West Dallas. How do you define sustainability for your organization: For us, sustainability means enough income to hire two or three people full-time. How they define sustainability for their organization: As a local nonprofit research organization, our sustainability relies heavily on a strong base of small donors. How they define sustainability: Our primary measure of success is the journalistic impact we have on our community in Vallejo, California. These editors were selected by a panel of independent outside judges based on LION’s application and sustainability audit, which evaluated their news organizations on key success criteria: journalistic impact, operational sustainability and financial sustainability. As they define the sustainability of their organization, “We are sustainable as a journalism organization when we treat our staff with respect and prepare them for professional success in journalism and beyond.” The program, open only to LION members and funded by the Facebook Journalism Project, gives independent news organizations the resources they need to hire an employee to increase revenue. How they define sustainability for their organization: For Green Philadelphia, sustainability is a driving force of our passion, an integral part of our business and a reflection of our values. Financially, our three-year plan calls for an annual revenue of $2 million in year three, which will allow us to maintain an editorial board of about 18 people and hire additional staff to manage membership and revenue. We believe that these staff members have the depth needed to create influential journalism that attracts readers, and that the funding and readership will provide our organization with the stability needed to sustain talented journalists and revenue streams. Open Vallejo will be sustainable when we have a dedicated editorial team with several full-time journalists and a full-time editor to support and mentor them. California Informed Foundations’ mission is to bring that kind of change to communities across California. How do you define sustainability for your organization? We look at sustainability holistically. For us, success means being able to expand our reach and provide more information to immigrant communities in the Deep South.