This week on TouchArcade, you can check out Apple’s latest product announcement, the in-ear headphones they’re calling AirPods Max In addition to this audio podcast, we also do a video version of the same program, which is exclusive to Patreón and allows us to see how we play the games we’re talking about. Then we move on to yesterday’s Game Awards, which is basically a big production full of exciting commercials, but which is in serious need of prizes. Sponsors can view the latest episodes of TouchArcade by clicking here. For anyone curious, you can check out our community contributions on Patreon to watch previous episodes of the video podcast. Finally, we’ll discuss some of this week’s news, including the exciting arrival of Knights of the Old Republic 2 on iOS next week. Be sure to email us at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or anything else that may or may not be relevant. If you like what you see, consider becoming a TouchArcade Patreon supporter. We all read them and love deciphering posts written entirely on emotion. Some XenForo features are designed by Audentio Design. The mobile category was also completely ignored this year. Designed by Audentio.