During the test, students simply fill out their answers and send a full test for automatic assessment, and all this on the portal. It’s easy to create variants of the same test. This way, you can distribute different versions to different groups of students or simply create a new version if you want your students to take the test again. It’s harder to make sure that students take the test themselves without looking at materials that help them fill out questions or share answers with others. If you set a time limit on the test, students will have less time to review their answers. You can simply create a lesson on the portal, add your students, and then create a quiz for them. You should also set a time limit on how long students must take the quiz. You have been with Pearson for almost 10 years and have successfully managed and completed a number of digital projects, such as eBackpack and eAssessment for Poland, and most recently the quiz generator. The test generator offers all the advantages of evaluation and allows you to quickly and easily perform and evaluate tests. The generator provides an answer key for each test option, speeding up the process. Since each student’s profile is directly related to the course they are taking, you can be sure that all examination questions are related to the course you are teaching. You can now make your own assessments using the new test generation tool and easily track students’ progress. Students who take an online test receive their results as soon as they pass it. When you print a test, you can take up to five different versions of the same test. Questions can be asked so that each student can see the test tasks in their own order. He also worked as a teacher and trainer of English teachers and was always interested in using technology to increase students’ interest and performance.