The manual was presented at the University of Salamanca on May 11 2010, where Nebrija presented the first grammar of the Castilian language at a ceremony presided over by Juan Vicente Herrera, president of the Junta de Castilla y León, in the presence of José Moreno de Alba, director of the Academia de Lengua Mexico, Daniel Hernández Ruiperes, rector of the University of Salamanca, and a large number of students and professors from the university faculty. The study of grammar and the establishment of grammatical rules has been the most important task in the development of dictionaries since the earliest academic charters: the dictionary defines words; the grammar explains how the elements of language are combined to form texts, and analyzes the meaning of these combinations. Manual de la nueva gramática del español presents a portrait of modern Spanish and offers a map of the language on a scale showing its diversity and richness. It is intended for all lovers of the language that we all share and that makes up the great Spanish-speaking community. This version of the Nueva gramática de la lengua española manual is for both researchers and native speakers who need a clear and didactic synthesis of the structure of our language. The Nueva Española Grammar Manual contains the same chapters as the longer work. The “Manual” Nueva gramática de la lengua española restores the academic tradition of publishing abridged editions of its works. On the other hand, it has been taken into consideration that no aspect of normative information is omitted in the reference work in this version, since it is assumed that these aspects of grammatical analysis are of interest to all interested parties. Two relevant researchers from America and Spain, Angela di Tullio and Julio Borrego Nieto, wrote the draft of the book with the advice of experts from various American and European universities and the support of a large team. The work was prepared jointly by all the academies through their grammar committees, headed by the President of Parliament. The analytical concepts developed in the long version have been retained and are presented here in a more schematic and pedagogical form.