Microsoft will work out its plans for the next generation of Xbox hardware in detail tomorrow, and is likely to take an approach similar to Sony’s easy disclosure of the first PlayStation 5 specifications. Microsoft is less than 24 hours away from presenting the next generation plans for Xbox at E3, and the company has hidden secret messages in its own teasers. Microsoft did a similar trick two years ago for its revelation Project Scorpio, in which the company detailed what happened to the Xbox One X hardware. There are rumors that Microsoft has developed two new consoles under a common code name “Scarlett” with a high-end code name console called Anaconda and a code equivalent to Xbox One S called Lockhart. Microsoft has hidden secret messages in the E3 teasers, which refers tothe power of the 4 teraflops of Sony PlayStation 4 Pro E3. It seems that Microsoft is ready to talk about its plans Scarlett as the company voluntarily solves it in its E3 videos. In addition to the presentation of Scarlett, Microsoft will also present Gears 5 and Bleeding Edge, the new title of Ninja Theory. Updated, June 8, 20:30 : Microsoft has confirmed the Scarlet Teaser. Microsoft also hopes to take over some of its plans for PC games. The software publisher has mocked a new “desktop experience” of Xbox for Windows 10, and a new Xbox application should soon appear in the beta version. Stay tuned for the latest Xbox E3 news tomorrow, as The Verge follows every live announcement. The first, a few days ago, has the R 255, followed by the G 36 on Monday and the B 0 in the last today.