Based on the award-winning fashion print of the same title, “Parable Stanley” returns with new content, new ideas, a new coat of paint and the amazing voice of Kevan Braiting Parable Stanley is a first-person shooter. In this game, Parabel Stanley is a first-person shooter. You can use this widget creator to generate HTML that can be integrated into your site to allow customers to buy this game on Steam. For a fuller and deeper understanding of Stanley’s dish, you can try the free demo. The game is not about fighting him, asking “him” to dance. Sign up to see if you like this game or not, based on your games, your friends and the conservatives you follow. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners in the United States and other countries. To see ratings for a specific time period, click on a selection from the table above or click on a specific bar. You play Stanley, not Stanley. The game will end, the game will never end.