For our Million Abolitionist Project we ask students to read a special bicentennial edition of Frederick Douglass’ first autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, American Slave. The Northern Star was the leading abolitionist newspaper of its day, and its founder, Frederick Douglass, was the leading abolitionist voice of his time. We work with students to inspire change through programs calledHistory, Human Rights and the Power of One. “Service projects are a great way for students to understand and participate in critical human rights issues. To illustrate the reality of child and forced labor, DFAE developed the Globalization 13 Project, which examines this insidious form of slavery in the context of the 13th Amendment and its 150th anniversary. Douglas’s North Star amplified the voices of people who lived in slavery in the 19th century. After all, it was Douglas who said: “It is easier to create strong boys than to heal broken men.” “Let us unite to defend the creation of strong boys around the world.” *Frederick’s Douglass Project: The North Star essay by Will Fassett, 1847-1849 Since its founding in 2007, DFAE has worked to create strong boys and end systems of exploitation and oppression. The first issue of The North Star was published on December 3, 1847. The incredible wealth of ideas held in Douglass’ mind was explored through his domain of the spoken and written word. We have seen countless young people using their voices and keyboards to change the world around them. This is Frederick Douglass’ great-grandson and Booker T. Then we asked them to create service projects to address the urgent issue of social justice in their communities. His article amplified black voices and contributed to a revolution to end slavery in America.