Great game! It’s a very funny JRPG, with a simple but very good fighting system and a great story! Some of the missions are very cool as the big game! It is a very funny JRPG, with a simple but very good fighting system and a great story! Some quests are also pretty cool, although you have double quests from your Digimon farm, which repeat themselves very repetitive and with low rewards. The Digimon list is not as long as the World Dawn and Dusk list, but all the favorite fans are here to train you! Getting free DLC content in this version is also great because you can perform many more missions and use some gems that you can use at the beginning of the game like BlkAgumon and BlkGabumon. Under the gaze of the catchy attack animations of the game everyone can enjoy a Digimon game and a JRPG in general. Under the eye of the eye-catching attack animations of the game is a deep and easy-to-understand combat system that can be compared to the Shin Megami Tensei: Person series. Digimon Story is undoubtedly one of the most addictive RPGs on PS4: Cyber Sleuth offers a fun story and an ideal environment for a fantastic creation system. It’s a fantastic little JRPG that reminds me of the style of the Persona dungeon and the elements of Persona. I asked for Cyber Sleuth in advance and with all these games would not be in the mood for a while, but nothing that could get my attention. As a big Digimon fan, I wasn’t sure how this game would develop. I recommend the game to anyone interested in the JRPG in turn, and I personally am very excited about all future Digimon games if it is the new standard. Everything Snyone can do, like a Digimon game and JRPG in general. I’m a big Digimon fan, but I wasn’t sure how this game would develop. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth is a great turn-based role-playing game that successfully uses the best of its kind to deliver one of the best role-playing games from the old school that I played recently. This is not surprising, but it is good for a Digimon game. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is fun both on the road and on your console, somehow, so you are transported to a time when you had screaming exercises where Digimon could win that Pokemon.