That’s why in this blog we give you 7 tips to help you learn English online, including setting goals, developing a study plan, and maintaining focus. Do you have water with you? Is your textbook nearby? Is your computer fully charged? Having all the material you need will help you focus and learn English online faster. A well-planned program will help you learn English online and stay organized. Many English learning materials are available online, including worksheets, practice tests, games, and grammar exercises. One fun way to learn English vocabulary online is Freerice, a question-and-answer game developed by the World Food Program. So before you start learning English online, we recommend that you set some SMART goals. Need help creating a good study plan? For those who want to prepare for the exam, the Official ETP Academic Preparation App offers a hands-on study planner. As many students have learned this year, learning English online is very different from studying in a physical classroom. For example, the ETP Academic Practice Test Officer allows you to answer questions that have been used on previous exams – and gives you a score report to see where you need to improve. Let’s say your ultimate goal is to get a high score on an English test like Academic ETP so you can study abroad. We all know that studying online can be lonely. That’s why we recommend that you find a study partner. To learn English online, you must eliminate distractions. You should refer to your SMART goals when creating a study plan. Many students ask how to learn English online. But if you feel more energetic after your morning workout, make time to study in the morning. The Pomodoro technique is a great way to break down your learning into manageable parts, which will also help you concentrate.