References to an image format when cropping or resizing an image will help preserve the viability and beauty of the image dimensions. You could use all these tips to improve the image and get stuck on a website that loads in 13 seconds or less. It helps you find inverted images, which can be a great added value, especially if you are a product-oriented company. Compressing a file may be the easiest, but it is still the most important part of image optimization because it is directly related to the loading time of the site. In addition, if you have an e-commerce site, you can even use structured data to give the search engine more precise details about the color, type, size and more of your products. Since most of the search traffic comes from mobile phones – and this combined with the fact that people’s attention has been reduced to eight seconds – it is essential that websites are able to provide a fast, smooth and enjoyable user experience. If you feel too lazy to go through all these details, you can also try scaling the image from the arrow in the corner while pressing the Shift key. With a cloud full of devices, it’s obvious that people are confused about the ideal image size. As part of the image dimensions, we will also discuss aspect ratios. With respect to the above table, it is preferable to focus on the 1:1 and 4:3 formats that are suitable for social media, mobile screens, photography and printing. Aspect ratios indicate the width and height of an image and are written in “x:y” format. Note that image size and image file size are two different things. The best formats for raster images: Here is a diagram that might help you take a call to determine which image format is best for you. Search engines have a brain without eyes, so if you don’t name your images correctly, they won’t be able to “read” your images or rate you accordingly.