We are working hard to develop a new teacher training program that will allow us to train experienced teachers in the most advanced teaching methods, while giving new teachers a solid foundation for basic teaching skills. Instead, it will develop proven skills and learning strategies over the past twenty years in the real world of e-learning. The goal of Teaching for Impact is to increase your confidence in the virtual classroom, help you communicate with your students and select the necessary resources for digital learning. These courses are ideal for teachers and institutions who want to learn pedagogical concepts, theories, and teaching strategies on a variety of important issues and topics in the classroom. With the advent of digital and online learning, there has never been a better time to develop your online learning skills. Our TELA professional learning programs offer a wide range of teaching materials, from evidence-based basic practices to contemporary teacher challenges. Teachers can choose from six OTG programs, each designed to give you the skills, strategies and didactic skills you need to succeed in a global classroom. You will also have the opportunity to observe authentic classroom activities online with teachers who put these strategies into practice. Returning to school is a great opportunity to sharpen your professional skills with Pearson’s latest offer. As a student, you will quickly learn key concepts and approaches to teaching and learning strategies, as well as practical skills that you can apply in the classroom. Students improve teaching methods, technology, and core skills, as well as placing demands on new and experienced teachers. Teach for Impact helps teachers transfer their passion for communicating with their students into this new virtual environment. Programs are available as self-directed learning courses through our TELA digital learning platform or through local Pearson teams.