Other ways to teach reading and spelling depend on the memory of each new word that students may find thousands of new words! Phonetics, on the other hand, gives students the tools and confidence to read and pronounce words that are unknown to them. Phonetics is a method that teaches students to read by linking sounds to letters. She has written many inspirational and funny guides for children around the world, teaching them how to speak and read English using phonetics. When children learn to read using phonetics, sounds are read aloud and only as b-a-k. Games are a good way to bring sounds to life and give young students the confidence that they make sounds themselves. A simple act of piercing sounds and letters quickly becomes boring for students. Here are some fun and practical ideas about phonetics you can try in the Phonics video classroom to provide support for students who have difficulty pronouncing sounds. During the lesson, students are systematically introduced to sounds by linking them to a combination of letters or letters. Learning through movement is something that many young people take for granted and can be a dynamic part of their phonetic routine. To make a real connection between the shape of letters and the sounds they represent, children need to use their hands to feel the shape of the letters when they repeat the sounds. Hawys recently contributed to Pearson’s English Code, a new innovative course for young students. Let’s see how the phonetic method can be a useful and fun tool to help students and teachers understand this connection. The English Code has a page dedicated to phonetics at lower levels and activities for higher levels. These tactile phonetic exercises have the added advantage of forming fine motor skills and thus improving students’ writing.