You need to analyze and compare your page performance and user interaction settings in more detail to keep up with new user expectations, traffic sources and your competitors’ tactics for attracting and retaining customers for your websites. While conversion tracking tools help you understand what motivates your users, the use of heatmaps helps you clearly see what distracts users of your site from conversion and what can help you focus your attention on the most important elements of your site. Does your home page find your target customers? How to increase your ROI without increasing your marketing budget? Both questions can be answered by a well-designed analysis routine in place. As technology evolves, you should look for more and more ways to analyze the performance of your pages to discover new growth opportunities and better understand your target customers. Text Optimizer uses semantic analysis to create a visual representation of the audience and determine whether the site is likely to meet their expectations. By analyzing and aggregating user behavior, thermal maps provide information about how website users interact with the site.