The device provides you with animation drivers as soon as you start entering animation information, creating clips and using status machines to make everything work. If you successfully complete the hibernation animation, create a compelling animation character. With 3D Unity animation You need to capture all the poses that a character makes by manipulating “his” members, treating it as a stop motion animation. The status of the machine refers to the fact that in the animation, objects or characters perform actions all the time. Now that we know a little more about the meaning of animation, let’s show the first steps in character animation. To create a subtle and effective slow motion animation like breathing, just manipulate the processing of your character model in some frames. The way your character moves must be especially well animated if you want to have a convincing animation project. After you have imported or made clips into the engine, we move on to animation controllers that give the engine the best instructions on what characters should do. Make sure that your race is convincing, because it is easy to miss something, and let your animation race unwittingly lift your character off the ground during the race. These are internal or external files that are placed on the drive to create the animation. Let’s break down some of the key concepts underlying the Drive animation to get you involved in the process. Even though they do not do much in this state, almost all other animations come out of their native state. Animation drivers are, as you guessed, tools that allow you to dictate the movements of your character. Once you have a character and a simple understanding of the mechanics of the animator, we can enter the animation process.