If selling Return Digital, Sega and 2K is not enough for you, another major American publisher also offers many games at discounted prices. These are games that Capcom regularly offers at the regular selling price and are not sold individually, but immediately. In addition, they are still first-class games, and the sale price is still decent. As part of the Nintendo Cyber Deals promotion, all of the games listed below are currently offered at a discount from the online Switch Shop. With the movement of the shoulder I would say it is not for me, but everyone compares it with other games that I like. There is one thing I do not understand. It’s not that they are known as large ports, and you can buy some of the latest games on other platforms at a discounted price. I bought all Ace Attorney games on my 3DS about 6 months ago when they were still in stores. Ryan can remember the first 151 Pokémon, a feat called he his party, although he is so introverted that you’ll never find he at the party. But Okami fits perfectly at this price, I bought it without discount and still satisfied with my choice. It’s an interesting investment, but don’t let it put too much pressure on you if you have other Black Friday offers in mind. I paid the full price without regrets when it was launched, but I can understand why others do not want to pay so much. If you miss this sale, wait a month or two and you will see it again. Even with this sale, the prices for ER are too high. You prefer to spend the evening with Mario Card and pizza, and you can’t blame him. I’m a bit tempted and I’m buying a trilogy to exchange.