Each list of English credit words used in Spanish contains terms used in many fields of knowledge, such as technology, management or even everyday life. Here you can also see the borrowed words on the left side of the colon, because they must be written according to Spanish grammar or because they are written more often; for some I added the English word where they came from. You should click on the link in the e-mail to confirm your request – I am a lover of culture and language and an excellent gourmet! I am looking forward to sharing my language and culture with all of you and, why not, some of our traditional recipes. On the right I’ve added a few alternative words in Spanish that can replace a foreign language. 2020 Transparent Language Inc. It’s important to always remember that any anglicism has an equivalent in Cervantes’ language that can be used freely, depending on the context. Hello, Spanish students! My name is Anais. I am a Venezuelan freelance translator who lives in Argentina.