Aditya Chakrabortty Ann Pettifor Articles Ashoka Mody Bill Mitchell Bloomberg Overview of the book Branko Milanovich Chris Bamberry Chris Dillow Observatory of Corporate Space in Europe David Harvey David Shirreff David White DESMOG UK France 24 Frances Coppola George Monbiot Heiner Flassbeck Jason Hickel John Wix Larry Elliot. 3 February 2020 Matthew D. 1 February 2020 Matthew D. 31 January 2020 Matthew D. 30 January 2020 Matthew D. 2 February 2020 Matthew D. On the eve of 2020, we draw attention to the predictability of “emerging authoritarian consolidation”. Michael Roberts Book Review I was to review Brett Christophers’ book The New Enclosure when it was released at this time last year. In recent months, French electricians have picked up Robin Hood’s torch, cutting off electricity for the rich and restoring the connection with the poor. And why was that? At this third conference in INET’s Economics for People series, Ha-Jung Chang explains the impact of globalization. Matthew D.