Update November 28, 2020 – Thank you Retro Game Vault on Facebook for announcing that this sale also covers the iOS version of Castlevania Night Symphony. Go to Google Play and get Castlevania Night Symphony of the Night Symphony as it sells. Castlevania Night Symphony by Night is currently for sale on Google Play. Like it or not, Castlevania Night Symphony is a new direction for franchises. It puts Castlevania Night Symphony in the same category with Babsi. Yes, Konami has one of the best contributions to Castlevania franchise, currently available for $1. I know that the game is about 20 years old, but it’s nice to see that now it supports so many different languages. The Symphony of the Night is also fully driver compatible. Ahem, back to the Symphony of the Night. The time has come for game journalism to take its place as a true source, not as a free advertising fanatics. This is also one of the best examples, even on Castlevania franchise, to show this genre. Castlevania is one of those franchises that have made a 3D attempt and failed. This is another 2D game that tried to work in 3D, but did not fail and went back to 2D. After trying the third dimension, Konami went back to what was working. Finally, there are six languages: English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish.