Quick, go watch this show live before anyone finds out! Join Larry Grib Xbox LIVE, Major Nelson and Jeff Rubenstein, Xbox Live Rubes, while recording an episode of Major Nelson Radio podcast for you, our audience. Post-war dreams are now available for pre-order and digital pre-load on Xbox One. Monster Hunter’s World: An icy beta version is now available for download on Xbox One. More information about PAX West 2019, including schedules and maps, can be found on the guide’s website. Rod Ferguson, head of coalition research, will join us to discuss the next release of Gears 5. NOTE: I will update this entry if necessary with additional information. Description: We have been working here since the beginning of PAX East in 2005. Details about our annual PAX West panel this Saturday. 14 years later, we still have permission to login. Price: Yes, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear. Some of them are also magnificent.