When the Floating Graph option is selected, tone charts appear when the cursor is over a word that has generated tones and accents for display. The Japanese MIA is an extension of Anki 2.1 that offers a variety of features to improve the ease and efficiency of Japanese learning. Among the most notable are the automatic native sound generation, reading kanji and accent information, and automatic accent coloring. When tone and accent measurements are generated in the “Expression” field on the front of the card, the text appears without furigana or accent coloring. If you want a field to be converted, but do not want the furigana or accent color, add the display type field to the active field table. If you read and place accents in the “Meaning” field on the back of the card, the text appears without the furigana or accent color. In addition, a pop-up window appears with information about the reading and accent tone in the expression and meaning fields when you move the mouse over a word. By default, a native sound and a pitch graph are generated for the selected word. Once the tone display and accent information is created in a field, this display and accent information will make it difficult to simply browse the contents of that field in the browser. When a map is displayed, the JavaScript code inserted directly into the note type template converts this syntax into furigana, tone accent color, and tone churas. If a word has several possible accents, each word is separated by a comma. This is needed to show the tone accent of the word in the form of a dictionary. When you change the accent information of a word manually, the colour of the word automatically changes to show it. For fields you want to create with the Japanese support extension, add “furigana:” before the field name in the template of your note type, in parentheses. When you hover your mouse over a word, the furigana accent and tonal colors for that word will appear.