When you create an object balloon, it is called a PNode init and at the end of the download you already have a physical body available through the Body property that was previously created in PNode. All physical objects are in PNode and have the best of both worlds! Just as RWNode was a visual object for your previous user code describing the interaction of objects in the game, the PNode super class is the basic idea of a physical object that needs to be controlled by a bullet modeling mechanism. That is, if you can get the property Position to understand where to draw the object, you will get the position of the physical body and draw the object right there. Sometimes you only have access to one physical body – for example, when a bullet reminds you and gives you a body – but you want to get the node of the object that contains that body. With this feature you can make the game scene work with the physical body of a node. This means that you need to write a code to synchronize the position of the physical object with the drawn sphere. Here is the last project with the whole source code of this physics tutorial. Before you change a ball node to use physics, you need to create a label for it, because PNode init needs a label. You must overwrite the recipient of the properties to get the rotation of the physical object when rendering the node. They will create a world for your physical objects. In this tutorial on chip physics you will learn how to use the chip physics engine in your iOS games. Since you don’t want to change the direction of rotation yet, you have to get the transformation of the current body, change the position of the part and send it back. In this section you will add chip libraries to the design of the Breakout game.