While Sony and Microsoft will have new hardware by the end of 2020 that will devour speakers inch by inch, Nintendo is using its existing names such as “New Horizons” to draw consumers’ attention during the holiday season, and it works. Nintendo supported the phenomenal success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons with excellent regional advertising and continued in this format with advertising exclusively targeting the UK market. New Horizons is probably one of the most commercially successful video games of the year and is expected to be an amazing success this Christmas, even though it is over three years old. Japan Director Nintendo, 65: “If you want to use voice chat, you can use your phones. This is a good advertisement that shows the multiplayer capabilities of the game in a way that even players can’t understand. New Leaf was my favorite game before BotW, and now I think New Horizons is my favorite game. Because I like this game, there is online garbage and stupid rings. Rumors that he has given up his role in the “Hobbit” to work on Nintendo Life, as far as we know, are full and completely unfounded. The announcement, which will be broadcast from today on British television, confirms that the game can be used to keep friends together, even if they are separated. They seem to recognize Animal’s Crossing’s role in keeping people together during the pandemic without having to directly shoot a Kovid commercial. It is a pity that multiplayer mode is somehow the weakest feature of the game. It is a pity that multiplayer mode is such a weak feature of the game and depends on additional hardware and application that provides the basic functions of the MP. The screen really emphasizes how ridiculous it is to talk to a cell phone instead of doing it through the system. This is absurd, because now there is only one security file per profile, which means that I can play with my sister, but not with my younger brother. I just bought the game digitally after I finally let go of the “New sheet”.