Online since March 2012, our small Croatian site is run by two enthusiasts who passionately bring you all the news about computer game offers, free Steam keys and other free games, digital game offers and independent game reviews. IndieGala offers FREE copies of DRM-free Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting, a dark, shocking and scary adventure game. Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting has received positive feedback from users and normally costs $6.99. Get the DRM-free version on IndieGala for a limited time. It’s a free copy of DRM, which means you can download it, back it up and keep it forever without having to for customers like Steam or the Epic Games Store. Once you’ve added the game to your library, you can download it for free from this page. Just go to the IndieGala store and select “add to library”. IndieGameBundles is the world’s first package aggregator. Step into the heart of the Jurassic franchise and build your own Jurassic world. Ft.