In other articles, Sarah will talk about how SSE Teacher Toolkit works as a tool to support various activities in the classroom, such as integrating skills, setting learning goals and planning progress, to name just a few. The best practice in standardized education is not only to teach the standard curriculum, but also to provide the skills and abilities that your particular students need to achieve their learning goals. ESR Teacher Toolkit makes it easy to adapt your daily learning to broader curriculum standards. In this series of articles, Sarah Davila shares her ten best experiences with the ESR Teacher Toolkit, which was nominated for the ELTons 2020 Teacher Resource Innovation Awards. The ESR Teacher Toolkit for Pre-A1 has a variety of particle size options in terms of day of the week, time and numbers. And don’t forget to wait for the next article in the series about using GSE Teacher Toolkit for lesson planning. Learn more about the GSE Teacher Toolkit and how it works with the Global English Scale and CEFR. See Issue 10 for information on using the GSE Teacher Toolkit in conjunction with the standardized curriculum. Fortunately, you can proceed directly to the GSE Teacher Guide as the curriculum clearly anticipates the pre-A1 phase. If you are looking for students’ speaking skills that should be developed before A1, you can see which skills are related to this standard curriculum. Can the SSE Teacher Toolkit help you in practice? Let’s look at an example. It looks at how it works in practice based on standards, and discusses in detail how it can help teachers achieve specific learning goals. The Israel Ministry of Education recently published its English curriculum for 2020, which is a comprehensive resource for local teachers. Sarah Davila is a teacher, material compiler, researcher, and educator who has worked in a variety of contexts. By guiding students toward these specific goals, you can be sure that each school day is a step toward a common curriculum goal.