It’s very refreshing to read your thoughts, Rafe, and your understanding that the future of the Metavseme involves more freedom for the “player” than strict game rules. I still believe that Second Life offers much of what you’re talking about, although I understand that you don’t think so, because you probably also despise your old “game engine” or something like that. Online worlds can be dynamic, completely permanent and customizable to the player, not just unchanging cardboard backgrounds with money an inch deep and a mile wide. We have the technology: thanks to the power of cloud computing, we can do things with simulation and AI that previously seemed impossible. I’ll tell you what: yes, worlds can be as alive as real places. Places where you can create your virtual home and make a statement. I realize that this kind of thinking is common in this field, and I wonder what comes to mind. 1998 – 2021 Rafe Koster. The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily endorsed by any previous or current employer. Scott Lawrence left us after 10 years on the job. Maybe I can find a new VP of Engineering for them. That dream may come true.