Our little Croatian site has been up and running since March 2012, run by just two people who are passionate about indies and eager to bring you all the news about PC game bundles, free Steam keys and other free games, digital game offers and indie game reviews. Starting at $1, you can purchase legendary Mark Millar comics such as Wanted, Kick-Ass, The Magic Order, Kingsman and Jupiter’s Legacy. Humble Comics Bundle: MillarWorld & Netflix Comics is available on Humble Bundle through July 22, 2021. We’re sure you’ve seen at least one of the following movies or TV series – Kick-Ass, Dangerous, Kingsman or most recently Jupiter Legacy. What you may not know is that they were all spawned by the evil spirits of Millarworld, stories originally developed as comic books. IndieGameBundles is the world’s first game pack aggregator. In total, these comics will cost more than $226. Read them everywhere.