You developed the Pearson Gender Equity Publication Guidelines to ensure gender equity in our materials and to incorporate positive female role models. These guidelines ensure that women are represented equally with men in our teaching and learning materials. We will explore their perspective on gender inequality in textbook publishing, why the guidelines were developed, and what they entail. The intention of the Pearson guidelines is for students to see equality between women and men in their materials. To address gender inequality, instructors could consider including more female role models and stories in their courses. Together, they helped develop a guide to gender equality for Pearson’s publication. For example, instead of focusing only on Issac Newton or Albert Einstein in science courses, they could also focus on famous and influential women in the field. For example, some programs feature women in traditionally male roles, such as pilots, engineers, and soldiers. The guidelines are divided into three different areas related to gender equality. For example, in materials where women are shown as single mothers, they may also be shown as single mothers and as working women. This can affect career choices, influence school choices, and ultimately contribute to gender inequality when children are adults. While these are stories that our society has grown up on, they are extremely unhelpful in painting a picture of gender equality in society. There is ample evidence that gender bias in childhood affects inequality in the future. For example, words such as “hysterical,” “fierce,” or “old-fashioned” are often used to describe women. Women are often portrayed as having neither power nor purpose, and too much emphasis is placed on their appearance rather than on their intentions, behavior and aspirations. Attached tasks may also play a role in perpetuating gender inequality.