Reading diversity is a great way to introduce your students to culture, ideas and traditions from around the world. Encourage students to add information to the map to deepen their knowledge of the world as they approach different topics. Whether it’s a family, natural, social or geographic subject, your students will find interesting facts that will give life to countries and cultures. So here are five interesting ways to bring cultural diversity to your classroom with maps, literature, images, and New Cornerstone and New Keystone textbooks. You can also join our group of Cornerstone and Keystone teachers on Facebook, where we share ideas and resources with our community of teachers from around the world. Our young students and teenagers are familiar with different ideas, traditions and voices from around the world. When you create a folder, add part of the last map to show students the world they discovered last year. Some of the topics in New Cornerstone and New Keystone include the world, animals and plants, festivals and celebrations, communities, homes and cities. Students often show interest and even wonder how similar their lives can be around the world. Our job as teachers is to show students how to manipulate and navigate the information they find. Add relevant cultural sensitivities to your location and new places where students can study in the classroom.