Garden Developer – Even when I started working at Monster

Even when I started working at Monster Garden, I learned a lot about games and leprosy at individual gaming events, where both physical and digital games were presented. I think it’s still a new direction in game design, but trends such as “healthy games” and “wave of care” in independent games show that people want to get more of this experience. Zack Wood the developer of Monster Garden, shared some of “his” design ideas on how gambling and imagination can lead to healing and self-care. Recently, I’ve been seeing myself as a “playful artist” rather than a game-designer because I understand that I want to do things that invite people to play, whether I want to play with other people or in a stupid time when they’re just having fun. I think games can heal by inviting players to explore, play and experience their world without worrying about being caught and punished on the test field. There are also a lot of going Sims and similar games these days without a chance to lose, and although I think it can be relaxed, I also think that there is a special kind of healing possible when there are problems in the game, but if you are not punished for what you did wrong. In my game of Monster Garden, I wanted to give the player a sense of mystery and surprise by giving “him” the choice of the monster “he” wants to talk to without knowing exactly what “he” would have, Siliconera, Gamasutra, Warp Door, CG Magazine and others, and has written books on Undertale and P.T. Harvest Moon 64 was the first game in which friendly characters played an important role in this game, so of course I liked this and other games in the series. Personally, I’d like to see more games that combine fun, non-punitive games with content based on personal healing experiences. I wanted them together and the unique combination of characters in my group to influence events, but in most games it didn’t make much sense. Of course, there are also games like Undertale, where players can choose between killing monsters and pacifism, and I think that’s a positive change in many games.