Did you know that Ty the Tasmanian Tiger was an early action platform for PlayStation 2, GameCube and the original Xbox? I didn’t, but maybe I should: According to Australian sources, the game sold a million copies. The 2002 game was remastered for Windows three years ago, but Krome Studios – the original developers – also want Ty to be on Nintendo’s switch. Beloved Rapture is not a real retro game or a new SNES game, but it is certainly designed to bring the memory of these games back to the player’s mind. Although this campaign is for the new mini arcade version of Berzerk and Frenzy, a $69 compromise can bring you one of these games, a 2-in-1 arcade toy with both games, or one of the previously released games Robotech or Rainbow Brite. Another source of inspiration: Developers call the need for “greater integration, diversity and LGBT progressivity” in video games to continue this approach in order to make Beloved Rapture. Oh, speaking of miniature arcades: In the 1980s, it was common for a successful arcade game to be made into a toy version of itself. The hottest months of 2019 are over, but in the world of collective financing of video games there is no “cooling down”. “This is our latest monthly summary of the projects we’ve seen together. After all, this month is a real retro project for a new NES game called Rollie that talks about a raccoon that can run, jump and roll on a ball. Are you in the mood to recreate an entire video game room on your desk? Kickstarter can hear you. Made by “an experienced developer who has been working on NES mods for over a decade”, Rollie is already “100% ready”, and this Kickstarter campaign is a way to make physical tapes. Seriously, but it’s a nice game made by people who have already had a lot of success. The project has already been funded, but in the final days of the campaign will continue to add ambitious goals.