Don’t worry if you don’t understand much, practice makes perfect! Be patient and keep reading, listening, writing, and speaking Spanish. I’ve taught Spanish in England and Spain and now enjoy teaching students around the world on my Spanish Blog site. This is the first part of our English-Spanish parallel text, and we will practice a basic introduction to Spanish. Samuel. I’m from Galicia, but I’m not Spanish. The English translations will come later, but don’t look at them until I’ve read and tried to understand the Spanish versions a few times. I love my job and the intricacies of Spanish. I received my degree in Spanish teaching in 2004. My father is English and my mother is Spanish. Start by reading the Spanish texts below. I learned Spanish in high school a few years ago and decided to learn it again. Expand your vocabulary, practice pronunciation and more with Transparent Language Online. No, I’m not from Madrid. Samuel. I’m from England. You may not know some of the words and phrases in the text, but you should try to understand what’s going on. I am Olivia. If you want to look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary, that’s fine, do it, but do it after you’ve done your best to understand it with what you already have in your head.