Pearson English Readers – All readers have assignment

All readers have assignment sheets that help teachers suggest tasks before and after reading to keep students interested. A reading circle is a strategy in which the teacher has students read an entire book or one or more chapters in groups. Show your students the Pearson English Readers website and have them choose a book to read. The research goes in the same direction: it’s reading for pleasure! In this article, I present four good tips you can use to encourage your students to read more. And enjoy it. They also encourage students to deepen their understanding of their chosen text as they are encouraged to talk to their peers about the book they are reading. For more ideas on how to encourage teens to read in and out of the classroom, see Donatella Fitzgerald’s webinar, Reading for Fun to Improve Student Well-Being. Pair students with a reading partner, so the dyslexic student has another student to help. In her current position as director of ELT sales at Pearson, she works daily with teachers and students to find solutions to help them achieve their teaching and learning goals. Reading can help students escape into new worlds and disconnect from everyday life, as well as help manage stress and anxiety. Implement a classroom library and encourage students to read during or outside of class. Students can present their reading circle project in a variety of ways. Form reading circles by creating groups of four to seven students. You can help your students deepen their discussion of books, create lifelong readers, and build a respectful classroom community. Like the print versions, these reading circles are designed for teens and adults who want to supplement standard English language instructional materials and strengthen their English language skills. In her current role as sales manager for Pearson Italia ELT, she works daily with teachers and students to offer teaching and learning solutions. By offering students a choice of reading material at or just below their level, they can truly build their confidence.

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