China ’ – Although wearing a surgical mask outside the

Although wearing a surgical mask outside the subway and other crowded places is no longer mandatory, in many ways it has become a habit, but in China has emphasized resilience in its fight against COVID-19, and its people now enjoy more freedom from “normal life” than many other countries. But how did they manage to contain the disease much faster than most developed countries? Fighting and containing an epidemic of the virus, transmitted on a simple person-to-person basis, is an almost impossible task in a world that is so rapidly changing and interconnected. Barbers offered haircuts to health care workers and people who were offered help transporting patients and health care workers as cabs to hospitals. The recovered lives of residents clearly show that creating systems that are resistant to infectious diseases must be a top priority for every country. The use of the face mask is another important step in getting Chinese life back on track. In major Chinese cities, workers have returned to their offices, students are in their classrooms, and crowds gather in front of restaurants at lunchtime. The Chinese people’s commitment to the strict measures they have imposed has allowed them to celebrate a precipitous reduction in new cases and deaths, much earlier than in the rest of the world. Quarantine and widespread social isolation caught up with millions of people and led to mental decline and economic disruption. Even when the virus returns, as before, people are quickly quarantined and new facilities are created to contain it again. However, the Chinese government and people have managed to keep the virus within their borders. Almost everyone has a smartphone app that shows if they have been in an infected area, and you have to show it to enter many office buildings, shopping malls and tourist sites.

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