We hope that through this post you will learn more about

We hope that through this post you will learn more about cultural behavior in a Japanese company, as well as how to write a farewell speech in Japanese or a farewell letter to colleagues and say goodbye directly in Japanese. Before leaving for work, Japanese people clean up their desks, return borrowed items, clean up the workplace, throw away trash, and put purchased items in bags to take home. Most Japanese work in a company for life. This Japanese farewell to coworkers can apply to those who stay with the company, leave the company, change jobs, or retire. In addition to what needs to be done before the day you leave the company: turning in work, contacting a partner to ensure smooth operation after you leave the company. To express your gratitude to your bosses and colleagues who have helped you at work, the Japanese often leave for work earlier than usual. Japanese people choose times when work is less interrupted to greet people in the office. In addition to the direct greetings and farewell greetings in Japanese mentioned above, we can also write an email. Above: a greeting when leaving a Japanese company. The best time to send a farewell letter to colleagues is an hour before a break. This letter is sent to someone outside the company that you have been working with for a long time. I would like to send you the following contact information after you leave the company. Example: If your break is at 5:00 p.m., you should send the letter at 4:00 p.m. If you have directly said goodbye to your colleagues beforehand, you do not need to send this letter. However, the number of Japanese who quit and change jobs is also increasing more than before. There are many cases of employers leaving a company.

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