The castle is located in the center of the board at the

The castle is located in the center of the board, at the back, on each player’s side. The king and “his” soldiers must remain there throughout the game. The bishop can go anywhere on “his” side of the board, but the king’s soldiers and the king himself cannot leave the castle. Classically, each player has 3 minutes to move, but it can take a long time, especially when the pieces move and the board gets so complicated. These pieces are stuck on their side of the board and cannot cross the river. How do these pieces move around the board? Let’s go through the list. It’s a two-by-two square, and there are diagonal lines that show that these pieces can move diagonally across the castle. When I first played it, I thought of a Chinese war from thousands of years ago. So, each side has four squares, and there is a river in the center of the board. Five soldiers are evenly distributed at the front of the board. Each side plays its turn, even if one side attacks and the other does not, there is always an alternation. Do you play another version of Chinese chess? Share your version with us in the comments below.

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