Football English | – Kick is a good idea in this situation

Kick is a good idea in this situation because it keeps the ball as far away from your team’s goal as possible and makes it difficult for the other team to score a goal. The team throws Ave Maria at the end of the game and the goal can make the difference between victory and defeat. Another common expression that you will hear is “worth a try”, which means it is worth a try and has a good chance of success. P.S. For more information on sports and soccer expressions, see our Daily English 145 – The Big Game. The Big Game is a kick where you throw the ball from your hands and hit it before it hits the ground. Here are two other soccer related expressions that we use in Daily English. However, in everyday use “kick” means that you risk something even if you can’t do it. This entry is published in Russian and in the Languages and Conditions section. Your chances are slim, but if you succeed, you can be the next Hanks volume.

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